Rosemont Soccer Club

We are excited to announce your players will be selling AMAZING Poppin Popcorn this year for a chance to retrieve your volunteer deposit and earn cool prizes while raising funds for our amazing club!

Sell $50 of popcorn to retrieve your $20 volunteer deposit. The volunteer deposit will be returned to the card used for registration a couple of weeks after the end of the fundraiser. Don't stop there though, there are great prizes for top sellers! 

Check out the brochure for the prizes!

The Club is also sponsoring prizes for the top 3 highest in sales.

  • 1st Place - $150 Visa Gift Card
  • 2nd Place - $100 Visa Gift Card
  • 3rd Place - $50 Visa Gift Card

The sales will begin on October 1st and ends October 22nd. We recommend registering early, so you are ready on October 1st!

The popcorn comes in many delicious flavors and 2 different sizes! Your friends and family will love the variety! The popcorn can be shipped to anywhere in the US so you can share it with close family and friends as well as those that are in different states!

Good luck and have fun selling!